A new school set up in Camberwell by Ark has today been praised by Ofsted inspectors as a good school with outstanding leadership and behaviour – just two years after opening.
Ark All Saints Academy is a secondary school which has got off to a flying start after the closure of a previous academy on the same site that was struggling.
The report says that teaching is “consistently good” and continues to improve as staff “receive outstanding training and support.” This means that “scholars make consistently good progress which is often better than that seen nationally for the same-aged students.”
One parent told Ofsted inspectors: “I am so happy that my child is in this school – it is brilliant – I feel a trust and respect for the Principal.” The school received positive responses in the past year from parents using Ofsted’s Parent View site, with 96% of parents saying they agreed with the statement that ‘my child makes good progress at this school’ and 93% of parents agreeing that ‘my child is happy at school’.
A culture of high aspirations goes across the school, according to the report: “Staff never give up on support for scholars…Scholars know they have to aim high and the academy does much to inspire them to do this.”
Lucy Frame, Principal of Ark All Saints Academy, said: “The Ark All Saints family have been working hard over the past two years to ensure that all our scholars get the best start in their secondary education. It is really pleasing to get this recognition but we will not be complacent. I am thankful to our scholars, parents, staff members and governors for their support in making sure that all our scholars are able to fulfil their ambitions of going to a good university and pursuing their career of choice.”
The school’s approach to improving results in core subjects was singled out in the report – scholars have at least one English, mathematics and science lesson every day. At the same time, the school organises citizenship days which “are packed with worthwhile elements which broaden scholars’ horizons, address health and safety topics and tackle sensitive topics such as extremism or different family structures.”
The behaviour at Ark All Saints was rated as outstanding. The school uses trained, peer-mediator scholars to ensure that any incidents are resolved quickly. The calm atmosphere creates a good working environment: “scholars are happy and proud to be part of the academy family. They feel safe and secure and behave extremely well… practically all of them stay focused and work hard, particularly when given writing to complete on their own.”
There is a wide range of clubs, activities and after school lessons, and music was singled out as a strength. Later this summer, scholars will take part in a music gala concert at the world renowned Barbican centre in London with other pupils from across the Ark network.