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Talent is everywhere, opportunity is not

Ark works to make sure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to a great education and real choices in life.​ 
Pupils at Ark White City Primary loving their brand new playground

Thirty thousand students currently served across our network of 39 schools


Three hundred thousand pupils supported through Ark-designed curricula

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One million children reached via our wider education, health and social care ventures


Ninety percent of Ark schools are in areas with above average deprivation. Ark’s students are nearly twice as likely to be eligible for free school meals than students nationally (42 v 24 percent).


Sixty-six percent of children eligible for pupil premium leave an Ark primary school on track in their maths and English, compared to 44 percent nationally.


Ark students who are eligible for pupil premium make nearly half a grade more progress in each of their subjects than their peers nationally, and are six times more likely to attend a top third university than if they attend a maintained school.

Children at Ark Kings Academy in Birmingham read about science

A top performing primary multi-academy trust

Despite operating in areas of high need, our primary schools achieve results well above national averages and we top the attainment tables among comparable trusts.

Primary schools joining Ark have improved their national percentile rank by an average of 62pp


Eighty-three percent of our sixth form graduates progress to university, compared to 38 percent nationally


Of those progressing to university, 55 percent go to a top third university compared to 31% nationally


Students on our BTEC programme are seven times more likely to progress to a top third university than BTEC students nationally

A strong track record for improving challenging schools

Most Ark schools were existing schools that joined the network to improve – often from difficult circumstances. Ninety percent of schools rated inadequate or in special measures before joining Ark, are now good or outstanding according to Ofsted.

Students from Ark Globe Academy in south London at Ark’s annual athletics championship

Enrichment for all, for free

We want every child at Ark to have access to a wide range of enriching activities, within and beyond the school day, regardless of their ability to pay. Our dedicated programmes provide opportunities that many students would not ordinarily be able to access outside of school.


Twenty thousand students across the network access music and instrumental lessons every year


Two and a half thousand students competed in network wide sporting events last year


Five hundred teachers participating in the Ark Clore Duffield Cultural Programme – a ground-breaking arts pilot

Ark Start John Archer in south west London was one of the first Ark Start nurseries to open

High quality, affordable early years education

Our nursery programme, Ark Start, seeks to solve the inequity that exists in the early years. The network is growing, with new nurseries being added both within and external to Ark’s network of primary schools.


Nine thousand teachers in over 1000 schools use the Ark Curriculum Plus online platform for resources and training

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Pupils on our Mathematics Mastery primary programme gain up to two months’ additional progress

An artist’s impression of the EdCity development, as viewed from Australia Road in White City

£150 million investment in the heart of White City

Our partnership with Hammersmith and Fulham Council creates an education hub, 132 affordable new homes, office space and a youth zone for the local community.