Ark’s schools will be a hive of activity as Year 11s collect their GCSE results today.
This is the first year students sat GCSE exams since the coronavirus pandemic started.
Ark’s Director of Secondary, Jerry Collins, said:
“I must pay tribute to how hard our students and staff prepared for the examinations and how well they have managed over the last few years.
“Our school leaders, teachers, and staff have been focused. They have ensured that the academic opportunities and wide range of co-curricular activities provided our students with the best possible platform for high achievement at school and beyond.
“We look forward to seeing many students return to our Sixth Forms in September and hearing how others have successfully gained places at other colleges.
“Congratulations to all our students.”
We will highlight student successes throughout the day.

Yusuf Hussain at Ark Boulton
“I am most pleased with the grade 9 that I received in English Language, and the grade 8’s I received in Math’s and English Literature. I plan to study A-levels in Maths, English, History and Law. I hope to be able to study law at a top university. I am really proud of my results.”

Marcus Lau at Ark Putney Academy
Marcus Lau joined the school in January 2020 having moved from Hong Kong. Marcus has overcome significant language and learning challenges during his time with us and today celebrates an outstanding grade 9 across all 9 of his GCSE subjects. He moves into Year 12 with the plan to study Chemistry, Maths, Physics and Biology. He said, “I put in a lot of hard work and revision, but really, I want to thank my friends for being so supportive. I definitely aspire to apply for Oxbridge in Y13 but now I am just excited for A Levels.”
Hiqmah Habib at Ark Victoria Academy
Congratulations to Hiqmah Habib who has achieved 6 Grade 9s and 3 Grade 8s. Hiqmah has demonstrated that a positive attitude and continued hard work leads to incredibly positive outcomes. Hiqman intends to study A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics, continuing her education at Ark St Albans.
Hiqmah said that her advice for the next cohort of Year 11 students is to “believe in yourself, work hard for all that you want and you will get there!”

Hana Abdelatti at Ark Academy
Hana Abdelatti achieved eight 9s and two 8s, and is a very talented musician. Hana wants to study Politics, English and Music for A-Level at Ark Academy.

Issah Sesay at Ark Globe Academy
Issah achieved nine 9s and one 8, securing himself a full scholarship at Eton College, and hopes to attend Oxbridge for university. Issah has been consistently hard-working and contributed to the wider life of the school through music and supporting his peers, and has been a real asset to the school. Issah said: “My Learning Family Lead Miss Malcolm has been the most helpful in my journey, she has always been there to guide me and motivate me, so I am really thankful to her. In Sixth Form, I will be studying Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Economics. What I want to do most is to positively impact people, the community around me, my family and myself. I will give my best and try my hardest.”

Jayda and Lina Abouletta at Ark Acton Academy
Despite only arriving in the UK in 2019, cousins Jayda and Lina achieved 22 top grades between them – including an incredible fifteen at grades 9-8.

Erin Moir at Ark All Saints Academy
Erin Moir, who achieved three 9s in RE and the Sciences, five 8s and one 7, will be heading to the prestigious Brit School. Erin said: “I am really excited to be furthering my passion for the arts by attending the Brit School in Croydon where I will be studying Musical theatre and English Literature A-Levels. After a challenging audition process, I know how fortunate I am to be studying there with such amazing facilities and experienced staff. I was a bit apprehensive at first to not be following a purely academic route but those around me were constantly supportive, encouraging me to pursue my passions no matter how hard it may be.”

Hal Banks at Ark Alexandra Academy
Hal Banks at Ark Alexandra Academy is elated today after gaining 9s in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geography and 8s in English Language, English Literature, Maths and Spanish.

Aryan Tathgar at Ark Isaac Newton Academy
Aryan, a keen sportsman who will be joining INA Sixth Form next year, did particularly well in his essay-based subjects, achieving a grade 9 in English Language, English Literature and History. He said, “I feel really content about my GCSE results – they have taken a lot of hard work and I am pleased that it has paid off. I’d like to thank all the teachers who supported and believed in me.”

Kerrick Kerr at Ark Evelyn Grace Academy
Kerrick, who secured two 8s and seven 7s. Kerrick has always read widely, loved the sciences and worked very hard. He’s a talented sportsman, and we are confident he will enjoy great success in the sixth form. Kerrick was thrilled with his results and shared his method for achieving them: “The key to success for me was being able to manage my time and structure my day. I managed to make time for basketball and revision. My growth mindset helped me. You’ve got to learn from failure. Failure allowed me to grow and stopped me from being complacent!”

Daniella Yeboah at Ark Walworth Academy
Daniella will progress into Walworth Academy’s sixth form with a portfolio including no fewer than five grade 9s, studying Maths and Sciences.

Ayan Kadiye at Ark Burlington Danes Academy
Ayan achieved seven 9s and three 8s. She is going to be continuing at BDA sixth form and will be studying Chemistry, Biology and Maths. Upon receiving her results, she said “I was genuinely shocked. I would like to say thank my form teacher who was so supportive. She cared so much and helped us when we were stressed”. Having recently attended a summer school at Cambridge University, she is determined to apply there after her two years at BDA Sixth Form and we’re sure she’ll be offered a place!