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News4th July 2019

Ark launches new curriculum partnership for primary schools

Ark today announced the launch of a new primary curriculum for its network of 38 schools.

“Every element of this primary curriculum was created and curated by Ark and our schools,” said Matt Butler, Ark’s Interim Head of Ark Curriculum Partnerships. “This is part of our growing family of curriculums, which includes Mathematics Mastery and English Mastery, which are already being used by hundreds of schools outside the network.”

The new primary curriculum is centred around professional development and subject knowledge support but also includes a full suite of subject-specific resources. As a horizontally and vertically-integrated curriculum, this will allow teachers to ensure that student knowledge builds in a coherent manner across subjects and across year groups.

“The connections between what is learned in each subject is essential to helping children grow and learn,” said Damian McBeath, Ark Primary Regional Director (London and Portsmouth). “For this curriculum, we’ve mapped out everything that children need to know until the age of 16.”

The programme is going to be made available to schools within the Ark network from September 2019 and will be continuously refined and updated, based on feedback from teachers.