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News11th November 2021

Ark Schools commemorate Remembrance Day 2021

Today, Ark’s 39 schools in Birmingham, Hastings, London, and Portsmouth honoured those who served to defend our democratic freedoms and way of life.

For Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day, each school held an assembly that included a two-minute silence to remember those who have died in wars around the world.

During the assemblies, teachers spoke about the people who gave their lives to protect the values of liberty, democracy, respect, tolerance, and the rule of law. They also talked about people from all ethnicities who have made sacrifices for future generations.

Ark Schools commemorate Remembrance Day

The following videos featuring Ark students were played during the schools’ assemblies, as well as during an online event for Ark’s central staff, also held at 11am:

‘Remembered Still’ by Ernie Rowe
Read by pupils from across Ark’s network of schools

The ‘Last Post’
Performed by students of Ark Isaac Newton Academy

Students from across Ark’s network of schools also shared their thoughts on Remembrance Day…

“Today was a special day of remembrance, and the honour of speaking about it and delivering such an important message to so many listeners was amazing. Although I was nervous and uneasy in front of 1400 students, I think that it went well. Everyone spoke with passion and the significance of such a special day was evident. Overall, I think it was a huge honour to be a part of this assembly.”

Aminah, Deputy Head Girl

“Today helped me to re-establish the thought of remembrance in my head and to signify how the Armistice is important to everyone. My part of the assembly helped to show the importance of the day to everyone. I feel it should be an obligatory act as it reminds us of those who helped to ensure that we are here today, as remembrance is for everyone across the world.”


“Watching the assembly made me feel happy and nervous at the same time. I was happy because everyone in the school could participate in the two minute silence, remembering the people who sacrificed their lives for us. I was also a bit nervous knowing that the whole school was watching the assembly being broadcast live. I think this assembly was very important to many people as they have family members who have lost their lives during World War 1 and World War 2. Overall, this assembly made me feel very happy and joyful.”


“Remembrance Day is an important event that reminds the world of not just the sacrifice of life in World War 1, but the sacrifice of life throughout time in wars. These soldiers have put their life on the line for a peaceful and positive future and therefore deserve to be commemorated. In assembly today, we were told the significance of these war heroes being honored and their contributions and experiences in WW1. We learned about the accounts of heroes who fought in the war. The poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ and the ‘Last Post’ were also performed and not long after that we reflected upon the soldiers who have tragically passed away for the sake of our country. This assembly has helped all students recognise the value of Remembrance Day and why the minute silence should be performed with the utmost respect.”

Harun, Year 9

“Remembrance month is about reminding us of the past, but it is in equal part about moving forward. We must not forget what our ancestors did; how they fought for our liberty, for a better future. Yet what all those who have perished on the battlefield, those who have lost their oved ones, and those who will never recover from war is one thing; a bloodless peaceful world. An era where war is but a distant thought, a thing of the brutal past. Let us never forget what they did, lest we should forget what they wished for and how futile war is.”

Sebastian, Year 9

“It’s important we remember those who fought in the wars to make our lives better.”

Robson, Year 6

“My teacher told me that purple poppies are there to represent all the animals that died in the wars, so I wanted us to remember them as well.”

Tyler, Year 6

“We watched a video showing the soldiers running through the mud and there were explosions going off. We had to write about it ourselves and used the five senses to describe what was happening.”

Fatima, Year 5