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News24th July 2023

Ark students set to receive bursaries worth nearly £720k

Thanks to our generous partners, 55 Ark students have been offered bursaries worth nearly £720,000 to help cover the cost of tertiary tuition fees and accommodation. Bursaries are awarded to students who demonstrate academic excellence, financial need, or both.

Sarah Cullen, Head of Destinations, said: “Receiving a bursary can be a life-changing experience for a student. Thank you to our partners for their ongoing support and generosity. Their investment will go a long way in helping our students achieve their goals.”

Ishmael Pemberton, Year 13 student from Ark Academy and an Urbanest recipient, said: “For me, this bursary is more than just financial aid; it shows that someone believes in me and my potential.”

We wish all our students good luck as they wait for their results!

We’d love to hear from you if you or your organisation are interested in developing a bursary scheme with Ark. Please get in touch with Tasnim Chowdhury at