Students and staff at Ark Victoria are celebrating the school’s recent rating of good by Ofsted. Inspectors were impressed by the progress the school has made since joining the network, commenting, “Leaders have managed the enormous change in the school’s structure very well. They have put in place strong systems that enable the school to function as one coherent unit despite the complexities of its size and physical layout.” They also stated that “Children achieve well in the early years. They settle quickly into school life because they are safe, happy and interested in the activities provided for them. Outcomes for pupils in other year groups have improved steadily since the academy opened.”
The inspectors reported on the clear culture of high expectations in the school: “Teachers expect much of their pupils. They set clear rules about how pupils will prepare for, and behave in, lessons. As a result, pupils arrive at lessons ready to work hard.”
The students’ good behaviour also shone through, with Ofsted inspectors remarking, “Pupils conduct themselves well in class and at breaktimes. They walk around the vast school site sensibly. They are polite to adults and show respect for each other.”

Victoria Twort, Primary Headteacher, and Daniel Richards, Interim Secondary Headteacher, commented, “We are thrilled with the Ofsted rating of good. This is testimony to the commitment and hard work of the entire school community. We’re extremely proud of what has been achieved by our staff and students, however we will not be resting on our laurels, as we know there is still much we can do to make this school the best it can be.”
Ark Victoria Academy is a non-selective, non-denominational and mixed all-through school in the Small Heath area of Birmingham. The secondary school first opened in March 2018, coming together with Ark Chamberlain Primary Academy in September 2018 to form the all-through school it is today.
Find out more about Ark Victoria on the school’s website. You can read the full Ofsted report here.