Isaac Newton Academy, an all-through Ark school in Ilford, East London, has been rated outstanding by Ofsted for the second time in a row.
The school first opened in 2012, and the results from its latest cohort of GCSE students put it in the top 2 percent of schools in the country for Progress.
Inspectors commented: “Pupils make outstanding progress in all year groups because teaching is very effective. High-quality planning and excellent questioning ensure that pupils’ needs are identified and fully met.”. They remarked that the curriculum at the school is “planned exceptionally well and provides truly memorable learning experiences. It ensures that pupils’ personal development is outstanding.”
The sixth form, which only opened to students last year was described as having an “outstanding provision”. Inspectors reported that “almost all students are studying academic subjects and thriving”.
Jo Spencer, Interim Principal said, “We are absolutely delighted that Isaac Newton Academy has been graded outstanding in all categories following our recent Ofsted inspection. It is a fantastic achievement and a credit to the staff at the school and our governors, students and parents. The Ofsted report commented on the school’s strong leadership, the excellent support we have in place for all students, the well above average attainment and progress made by students from reception through to Key Stage 5, and the exceptional behaviour and attitude to learning displayed by our students.
“The report also highlighted the excellent all-round development and progress of pupils in the early years and the outstanding provision in the sixth form. I am so proud of what we have collectively achieved and am very grateful for the continued hard work and commitment shown by our staff and students.”
Read the full report here: Ark Isaac Newton Academy 10067731 final pdf.pdf
Find out more about Isaac Newton Academy on the website.