According to the latest Department of Education data, Ark primary schools collectively surpassed the national average for key stage 2 by 16 percentage points.
Across the network, 75 percent of pupils achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths, compared to 59 percent nationally. While the national figures have remained static compared to 2022, our schools have built on the success of last year and raised outcomes by a further two percentage points.
The results are particularly noteworthy as Ark has twice as many students eligible for free school meals compared to the national average. Among these students, 66 percent achieved the expected standard – up three percentage points on last year and seven percentage points higher than the national average for all students this year.
Venessa Willms, Ark’s Director of Education, said: “We are delighted with our results – they are a true testament to the hard work and dedication of our school leaders, teachers and pupils. Results like this, especially for our most disadvantaged pupils, don’t just happen. This reflects our strong culture of high expectations for all. I am delighted that so many of our pupils are leaving our primary schools ready and confident to transition into Year 7.
“As the sector recovers from the pandemic and other challenges, the whole Ark network has been working to provide pupils with the best learning outcomes. We have delivered on our catch-up plans and have focused on our reading strategy to make significant gains. This has been a real team effort.
“As is to be expected, there is always more to do in some of our schools but overall this is great progress.”