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News17th January 2017

Charter Academy receives a ‘good’ rating from Ofsted

Staff and students at Charter Academy in Portsmouth are celebrating their latest ‘good’ rating from Ofsted.

Since opening in 2009, Charter Academy’s ambition has been to offer its students outstanding opportunities for academic and personal growth. In the report, Ofsted Inspectors said, “Senior and middle leadership is strong. Subject leaders know how well pupils are achieving in their subjects. They are focused well on what their pupils need to learn next and they effectively challenge and support staff to improve pupils’ achievement.”

The inspectors commented, “There is a strong culture of learning and an eagerness to be even better across the school. Pupils are keen to acquire knowledge and skills and teachers are very willing to refine and improve their practice.”

Ofsted inspectors also recognised the benefits of being part of the wider Ark network: “The school has good opportunities to collaborate with other schools in the Ark [network]. Pupils and teachers benefit from this engagement because good practice is shared.”

Clive Barnes, Interim Principal, remarked, “This result is testament to the new senior leadership team’s honesty of focus and clear direction in unison with every member of staff’s commitment to our students. High expectations of achievement and the ‘whole student’ are at the forefront of everyday life at Charter Academy. The feedback from staff, pupils and parents reflects the strong sense of team and community that we have in our school.”

Read the full report here: Ofsted report for Charter Academy