Over 170 primary and secondary students converged on London Met University, all competing for the Mega Maths Wrangle Trophy 2016.
At our annual maths competition, 22 schools brought their top mathematicians to participate in challenges ranging from Mensa puzzles to construction challenges, culminating in a dramatic Times Table Rock Star finals.
Students were supported by Bank of America Merrill Lynch volunteers who not only helped run the events but also spoke with students about how a strong foundation in Maths could benefit their future careers. One BoAML volunteer said, ‘It was so nice engaging with the children and seeing how well they did in the challenge! Everyone was super involved which made for a great event.’
A special congratulations to our top performing schools – Ark Bentworth and Ark Globe Secondary and our Times Table Rock Star – King Solomon Academy.
We are grateful to Bank of America Merrill Lynch for their continued support of our Mathematics Mastery programme and their commitment to our students’ maths achievement. To learn more about how your company can support our students, please contact Rachel Connell.