Today, students and staff at Ark Globe Academy, together with employees from communications agency Brands2Life, unveiled “Globe Wings”, a giant wall illustration outside the school.
The vibrant artwork brings to life the career aspirations of all students; each feather was individually drawn and coloured in by students to represent their dream jobs. The wings, designed by Brands2Life, are now on display as a multi-coloured installation near the entrance of the school to inspire students and the wider community.

The unveiling was part of a series of events taking place at the school to mark its 10th anniversary. Over the last decade, Ark Globe Academy has turned itself around from a failing school to one which has seen 100% of its students receive a university offer since 2017, including from Oxbridge. 70% of post-16 grades attained in the last academic year were A*-B or D*-D (Distinction).
Based on a recent survey of every pupil in the school, Ark Globe students are aiming high, with a career as a doctor coming out on top as the number one job choice. This fits with the general theme that over a third (34%) of students are keen to embark on a STEM career, with the medical profession ranking highest within that bracket. Meanwhile, over one in ten (11%) students are looking to enter the sporting arena, with footballer ranking highest.
However, while the more traditional career pathways, such as doctor, lawyer and teacher still feature in the Top 10, nearly 20 new professions have emerged since the school was first founded, including game designer, Youtuber and influencer.

“In order to help the next generation on their path to success, it is crucial for businesses to engage with them,” commented Matt Jones, Principal, Ark Globe Academy. “This is something that we pride ourselves on as a school, forging partnerships with businesses in the local community. However, it needs to be executed on a national scale, if it is going to have the required impact.”
For these students to progress within their chosen careers, it is vital for local businesses and organisations to help provide connections, advice and work experience. Ark Globe Academy runs an extensive programme to prepare their students for the world of work, including regular Enrichment Days and an annual Futures Week for Year 10 students. This has seen involvement from companies spanning different sectors, including Brands2Life, Brewin Dolphin, Ernst & Young and Fulham FC.
Matt Jones says, “I’m immensely proud of our students’ aspirations as we celebrate our 10th anniversary. Our ethos as a school is, and always has been, to support and encourage young people in the pursuit of their dreams. Our students are ambitious, and I have no doubt that they will realise their expectations.”
Follow Ark Globe Academy on Twitter or visit their website to find out more about their 10th anniversary celebrations.