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News21st September 2022

‘Good’ report for school where teachers get to know pupils

Ark Burlington Danes Academy has received a Good rating across all areas from Ofsted.

The school was praised for having teachers who ‘seek to know pupils teachers seek to know and understand every pupil, and pupils have adults who are always there to help them.”

Inspectors noted the school’s ambitious extra-curricular activities, “Leaders want to provide pupils with new and enriching experiences. There are trips to museums and many opportunities to develop leadership qualities. These include roles as anti-bullying ambassadors, student council representatives and sixth form reading buddies.”

During the two-day inspection on 13 and 14 July, inspectors found: “School leaders and governors share a vision of an inclusive, high-quality education for all pupils. They have high aspirations for pupils and want to give them every opportunity to succeed. School leaders have been supported by the trust to sustain improvement over recent years. Leaders have prioritised professional development, and this is developing teachers’ practice. Leaders engage well with parents, carers and pupils, seeking their views when planning improvements. Most staff feel valued and well supported.”

Inspectors highlighted that “Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum. Pupils develop subject-specific knowledge and skills in increasing depth and complexity. They work towards the same learning goals….”

The report noted the school’s focus on reading, “In early years and Years 1 and 2, trained staff teach phonics. Pupils read books that match the sounds they have learned. This means that pupils learn to read with fluency at an early age. Pupils also take books home so that a family member can read to them. This helps pupils to develop a love of reading and a curiosity for learning. Phonics is also taught to older pupils if they need to develop their fluency in reading. Leaders prioritise reading. They know its importance as a foundation for future learning.”

BDA receive Good Ofsted

David Carr, who joined as Principal in the spring, said, “We are so delighted that Ofsted has recognised Ark Burlington Danes as a good school, working extremely hard to instil a love of learning, leadership, and respect in our students.

“I’m thrilled that inspectors acknowledged our safeguarding work and student welfare. We believe in creating a safe and caring environment where pupils’ voice is appreciated and valued.

“Everyone at Ark Burlington Danes – staff, students, parents and governors are focused on our positive journey, and we’ll achieve this through hard work, passion and drive. This is the first step on journey to achieving our vision of our students being ones to make our world a better place.”

You can read the full report on the Ofsted website here.