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News28th October 2016

Lieutenant Governor of Delhi visits Ark’s school in India

This week, pupils and staff at Ark Lajpat Nagar III were delighted to welcome the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, Najeeb Jung. He was accompanied by senior officials from the South Delhi Municipal Corporation.

During his hour-long visit, Mr. Jung toured the school and observed the teaching and learning in different classes. He also inaugurated a new library and a smart technology classroom.
Mr Jung commented, “In addition to helping achieve academic goals, teachers also play an important role in shaping student behaviour. I found that teachers in this school are very engaged with the students all the time.”

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At a ceremony attended by parents and other government officials, the Lieutenant Governor gave out awards to pupils for their academic achievements. There was also a musical performance by the children at the school.

“I am inspired by this school,” remarked Mr. Jung at the ceremony. “There are a lot of good private schools which cater to the educational needs of children from affluent backgrounds, but there are very few good government schools to serve children from poor backgrounds.

“Ark’s approach is unique and can contribute significantly towards the betterment of India’s future generation. I think this partnership between South Delhi Municipal Corporation and Ark should be supported by all in the system.”

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We opened our first Ark school outside of the UK in Delhi in July 2015. Find out more about the school in our photo-story: Learning how to learn at Ark’s school in India.