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News11th November 2022

Remembrance Day 2022: Ark comes together to remember

On Remembrance Day, Ark’s 39 schools came together to mark the moment.

Also known as Armistice Day, Remembrance Day marks the ceasefire that began at 11am on 11 November 1918 and brought an end to the fighting in the First World War. Since then, Remembrance continues to unite people across faiths, cultures, and backgrounds, honouring the personal sacrifices made by men and women, past and present, to protect the freedoms we have today.

Ark’s schools in Birmingham, Hastings, London and Portsmouth hosted their own #ArkMoments assembly which included a two-minute silence to pause and reflect. Each assembly also featured a collaborative reading of Marian Allen’s poem ‘The Wind on the Downs’ from students at King Solomon Academy and Ark Alexandra Academy.

This year is particularly poignant with the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II after 70 years of leading the nation in commemoration, marking a new era of Remembrance under King Charles III.

Below are videos of some of the highlights of the day, including children reciting ‘The Wind on the Downs.’