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Opinion9th February 2016

The support of our donors helped 20,000 Romanian children

Over a decade ago, as part of our efforts to transform children’s lives around the world, we partnered with Hope and Homes for Children. This organisation had already been working tirelessly to reform Romania’s childcare, but their capacity improved dramatically with Ark’s investment.

Together, we were able to close damaging institutions and successfully move children into loving homes either with families or dedicated carers. Importantly, we also successfully campaigned for deinstitutionalisation to become national policy.

As of December, our partnership with HHC officially came to an end. We are inspired by their future plans, which include lessons learned from Romania to advocate for childcare reform in other countries. Without the help of so many generous donors, such phenomenal change simply could not have been possible.

To learn more about our current programmes and ways you can support, please contact