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News24th May 2017

Ark Boulton Academy receives a ‘good’ rating from Ofsted

Ark Boulton Academy in Birmingham has been rated good in every category in its first Section 5 Ofsted report.

Many of the key achievements in the Ofsted report were in leadership and governance. The behaviour and progress of students were also praised by inspectors who said, “Pupils are polite and helpful. Staff prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain. The curriculum supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well. The focus on the Ark Boulton virtues such as charity, honesty, courage and commitment actively promotes the development of pupils’ social skills, empathy and understanding of right and wrong.”

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Principal Mrs H. K. Channa said, “It is an achievement to transform an academy from special measures to good in just 18 months. The dedication of our students, commitment of staff, support from our families and community, and provision provided from our governing body, has made this grading possible.

“I am excited about the next stage of our development and the journey we now embark upon, which is moving our academy to outstanding. It is indeed an excellent way to mark this academic year as it comes to a close, and a timely reminder of the progress we have made as a community in supporting our mission to help our young people develop a lifelong love of learning, a sense of personal and civic pride and the confidence to not just navigate the modern world, but to shape it.”

The full report can be downloaded here: Ark Boulton Academy Ofsted Report 2017, and will also be available to view on the Ofsted website from Monday 5 June 2017.