Ark students are celebrating A level and BTEC successes following a uniquely challenging year.
On this page we are sharing some of the individual stories about our hard-working students who have have shared their plans for the future:
Ark Putney Academy student awarded highest ever scholarship funding
Amera has been living independently and supporting herself with part-time work throughout her studies at Ark Putney Academy. She is going to study Environmental Anthropology at University of Sussex in September and achieved A*AB results.
Investment Management firm, Aurum, have awarded her their Environmental and Social Scholarship of £50,000. In addition to her tuition and maintenance fees, the scholarship will provide Amera with mentoring across her three-year degree and paid work experience placements to help boost her graduate prospects. Amera won one of the only two prestigious £50,000 bursaries available across the Ark network.
“As soon as I found out I burst into tears. My teachers really advocate for me and were constantly helping me to find and apply for opportunities to help me on my pathway. Things have been really difficult for me over the last few years, and so this bursary is completely life changing – not just financially, but the paid work placements and mentoring support will be great. Long term I want to work with the UN, focusing on how climate change affects ethnic minorities and helping less able countries to combat global warming. I can’t wait to start my journey.”
Top results for Ark Alexandra student
Milo from Ark Alexandra Academy achieved A*, A*, A. He will be going on to study History and Politics of the Americas at UCL.
He is looking forward to combining his passion for these subjects with the opportunity to study at a prestigious American university during his degree. Upon receiving his results Milo was extremely excited:
“I feel grateful to have had teachers who have offered me great feedback, even throughout the pandemic. I am excited to study the course of my choice at one of the country’s best universities.”
Triple distinction for BTEC Professional Pathways student
Merveille from Ark Burlington Danes Academy achieved D*D*D in his BTEC Professional Pathways Business course.
The triple distinction will enable him to continue his studies at Aston University where he will be studying Business Management. He is also the recipient of a £9,000 bursary from Marshall Wace to support him during his university studies.
“I never thought I’d make it this far. I’m proud of what I’ve achieved, and I’d like to thank all of the teachers that have supported me to get here, particularly my head of year, Ms Vasey.”
Cambridge-bound Fatima is over the moon
Ark Isaac Newton Academy student Fatima is heading off to study Law at Cambridge Unviersity after acheiving excellent grades.
Fatima, who achieved three A* A level grades in Economics, English Literature and History and an A* in EPQ, is set to take a place studying Law at Cambridge University. Fatima has been a student at Isaac Newton Academy since Year 7 and has been awarded the Reuben Oxbridge Scholarship bursary of £22,500 to support her undergraduate studies.
“I am over the moon. To get into my dream university with these results is the most amazing feeling. Since starting at INA I always knew I wanted to push myself and do something big and the school has helped me get here. I am really grateful for the support and opportunities I have received from INA and Ark. I grew up in a single parent household and came over from Pakistan in Year 4, so I had to adjust to a whole new country and school system. I knew that it was an amazing opportunity and through motivation and bravery, I have got here. My mum is really proud.”
A perfect set of results sees Abdullah heading off to study Medicine
Ark St Alban’s Academy student Abdullah is heading to the University of Birmingham after achieving a perfect A*A*A* in Biology, Chemistry, and Maths.
Abdullah has been very active in supporting KS3 and 4 Science lessons and activities. Abdullah has been a model student when it comes to giving back to the school and community. He has mentored lower school students with learning difficulties, some of whom attended the school and some he supported in his spare time. He also helped students with a range of health-related issues enabling them to build their confidence and self-esteem.
“I’m very happy about the results that I have achieved, moving from a low set in Year 7 and now getting three A*s and going to university to study a course that I have always wanted to study”
Matching results for twins Kehinde and Deborah
Twin sisters from Ark Globe Academy are heading to University College London after both receiving an A* and two As each.
Kehinde received an A* in Biology and 2 As in Chemistry and Maths. She will go to UCL to study Biochemistry.
“I am happy and proud of myself. I see with the grades that I got and that my hard work paid off. I was surprised, as I didn’t expect to get A* in Biology. I am relieved that me and my sister both got the same results. In GCSEs one of us got better result and we didn’t like it. I am very proud for both of us. It was a tough year. I don’t know how I did during the lockdown. I felt lost at the beginning of the first lockdown, but then I made huge improvement. I am very grateful for the tiny space we created in our family’s living room with my sister. We live with our parents and two older brothers. We turned a tiny table into a workspace and it was in the same room with the TV. We sometimes had to ask our parents to turn the volume down. They were very understanding. I would like to thank our parents, brothers, and grandma for supporting us during the lockdown. Also, huge thank you to my sister. We supported each other, pushed each other and did revisions together.”
Deborah received an A* in Maths and 2 As in Chemistry and Physics. She will go to UCL to study Engineering.
“It hasn’t sunk in yet. Because we didn’t do the exams, it was very different this year. I am very happy and very proud for my sister for keeping on going despite the challenges she had. I recommend everyone to choose a subject that they will enjoy rather than just to get high grades. Doing the tasks before the lessons and pre-reading can also be very helpful. I think it’s good to be proactive learners. I would like to thank my teachers, as they went outside their ways to support us. They created resources, videos during the lockdown and pushed us all.”
Incredible results for student who only recently came to the UK
Ark Putney Academy’s Cooper came to the UK very late into Key Stage 4, and has now left the school with an amazing A*A*A*AA. He will go on to study in Toronto.
Cooper has demonstrated great resilience and academic excellence throughout his time at Ark Putney Academy. At GCSE results day he was one of the highest achieving students with 5 subjects at grade 9 (equiv. A*). Today we celebrate his results of A*A*A*AA in Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Spanish and Further Mathematics.
“I arrived at school halfway through Year 10 and the APA community was very welcoming. My teachers were supportive and dedicated throughout my entire time at APA, right to the end of Sixth Form, including University prep. I am due to start my engineering degree at the University of Toronto next year and am currently completing some summer courses in preparation. I am really looking forward to the next chapter.”