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News15th October 2015

King Solomon Academy rated as best school in the country

Ark’s King Solomon Academy was today confirmed as the best non-selective school in England with the publication of secondary school league tables by the Department for Education.

93% of students at King Solomon Academy, which is located in the most economically deprived ward in London, got at least 5 GCSEs rated A*-C including English and maths, the main measure of secondary school performance.

Part of the high achieving Ark network, these figures make it the best school in the country with a comprehensive intake.

Max Haimendorf, Principal of King Solomon Academy’s Secondary School, said:

“We’re very proud of these results. They’re the product of a lot of hard work over many years, from our teachers, our students and their families.

“It’s not just about making a big push at the end of GCSEs. We have been trying to make achieving progress in every year a priority.”

The school are looking at how they can prepare for the future, and ensure students achieve across a wide range of subjects.

In Attainment 8, which measures performance across eight subjects, King Solomon Academy were ranked second in the country, reflecting their desire to support students across a wide range of subjects.

Lucy Heller, Chief Executive of Ark, said:

“This is an incredible achievement. It demonstrates that educational excellence does not need to be the privilege of a small minority. Everyone at the school has worked extremely hard for this, and they deserve huge congratulations.”

Source: Department for Education