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Diversity and Inclusion at Ark

We aim to build a diverse and inclusive organisation where everyone – staff and students – can do their best work and achieve their full potential. We want to reflect and represent diverse perspectives across our organisation because we know that doing so will make us stronger and more effective.
Ark’s central team celebrate Pride

At Ark, we believe that ensuring every child has access to an excellent education is an important way to help tackle social inequality. We are proud of our record on narrowing the achievement gap and widening opportunities.

Our disadvantaged students make nearly half a grade more progress in each of their subjects than their peers nationally, and the proportion of students from poorer financial backgrounds going from an Ark sixth form to university is double the national average.

But we know there is more to do to tackle discrimination and promote equality, and we have a particular responsibility to make a positive difference because of the communities our schools serve. About 40% of our students are eligible for the pupil premium compared to 15% nationally, and about 70% are from an ethnic minority background compared to 30% nationally.

A lively discussion at Ark Charter Academy in Portsmouth

Working towards diversity and inclusion

We recognise the importance of diversity in the workplace and in education, and aim to provide an inclusive environment for all of our staff, students and our wider communities. Our work on diversity and inclusion is ongoing and is a process that we are continually learning from.

Our Diversity and Inclusion strategy sets out four goals alongside six key objectives which have been identified to help us measure our progress.


Build an inclusive culture where everyone in our community (staff, students, families and governors) feel like they can belong.


Our people

Hire, develop and retain diverse staff across the organisation.



Bring more diversity to senior leadership and governance positions.



Collect more qualitative and quantitative data to deepen our understanding of staff diversity and experiences.


Join us

We value diversity in our workforce and aim for Ark to be representative of the communities that we serve. If you’d like to join our team, please search our vacancies listing.