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The Ark Model

Ark’s Education Model seeks to ensure that all children within our schools benefit from the same high-quality education. It sets out our approach and supports schools to achieve excellence in all areas. Drawing on the best expertise in our network, the model names the prerequisites and enabling factors for success, and provides carefully sequenced guidance and resources to help leaders to plot their own school improvement journey.

The Ark Model aims to:

One page overviews

These act as aide memoires for each key area of school provision.

Foundational Expectations

The foundations that a school needs to master to be a good Ark school – they incorporate the statutory, Ark and Ofsted expectations.

Toolkits and resources

These support leaders to develop the practice in their schools.

Models of excellence

Case studies of schools that have achieved excellence in each area.

Schools use the Ark Model in the following ways:

Learn more about Ark’s approach