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Ark Curriculum Plus

Subject excellence programmes, curriculum resources and training developed and tested in Ark schools, supporting 300,000 students nationally.

What we learn in our schools, we share more widely

Ark Curriculum Plus was set up to improve subject outcomes in Ark schools. We’ve now been going for over ten years, using what we have learned in Ark to support over 1,000 schools nationally.

A team of subject experts work with partner schools to empower teachers to achieve subject excellence using an ambitious curriculum combined with CPD, teaching and assessment resources.


300,000 children across the UK are taught using Ark Curriculum Plus curricula


9,000 teachers in over 700 schools use the online platform for resources and training

+2 mo

Pupils on our Mathematics Mastery primary programme gain up to two months’ additional progress

A science lesson at Ark Bentworth Primary Academy in west London

A broad range of subject mastery programmes

We’ve been able to show measurable impact in evaluations by the EEF, FFT and The Brilliant Club. Due to the strength of this evidence, the Department for Education is offering an 80% subsidy for our Mathematics Mastery primary programme.

In addition to Mathematics Mastery and English Mastery, we offer subject excellence programmes in science and geography at secondary. We also have geography, history and science resources available for primary (through our partnership with OUP).