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Ark Learning Institute

Transformative learning and development programmes for educators, leaders, operations and support staff working in Ark schools and throughout the school system

Ten training days per year for every Ark teacher – double the standard number


220 new teachers qualified with Ark Teacher Training in 2024


80 percent of Ark staff believe the learning and development they receive directly improves pupils’ learning outcomes


ALI works with over 200 partner schools nationally, reaching over 10,000 teachers

Staff talk about the opportunities available at an event for prospective trainees

Setting the standard for exceptional professional development

We know that learning and development are the best levers we have to help us get better at our jobs every single day, so that we can deliver on our mission to unlock the true potential of the pupils we serve.

The Ark Learning Institute is led by experienced school leaders who have exemplary records in driving successful school improvement and improving outcomes for students. They are experts in designing and delivering evidence-based, innovative learning and development experiences that result in impact.

Leadership Development

The Ark Learning Institute’s bespoke leadership programmes are designed to support aspiring leaders with their development journey.

We also offer accredited leadership coaching qualifications as well as the suite of National Professional Leadership Qualifications.

Educator Development

Teachers matter. That’s why Ark invests more heavily in professional development, for every stage of a teachers’ career, than any other trust.

Right from the beginning, Ark’s Ofsted Outstanding Teacher Training and Early Career Teacher programmes ensure new graduates and career-changers have the tools and support they need to become great teachers.

It doesn’t stop there. Once qualified, teachers within Ark, benefit from a range of development opportunities and best-in-class training in pedagogy, curriculum (through Ark Curriculum Plus), coaching and digital innovation.

Operations and Support Development

The Ark Learning Institute offers a wealth of learning and development opportunities for staff working in operations and support roles in our schools and the network team.

We are proud to offer a broad range of apprenticeship development pathways, including the opportunity for new apprentice hires and for existing colleagues to enhance their skills and gain nationally recognised qualifications.

As a trainee teacher at Ark, I was surrounded by individuals who saw my potential and believed I could do more. I was also part of a network with programmes and development opportunities that enabled me to build my knowledge, make mistakes, and collaborate. Within eight years, I had become the headteacher of the school I trained in.

Mide Ola-Said School Leadership Development Lead