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EdCity: a new home for Ark and the education sector

A unique not-for-profit partnership between Ark and Hammersmith & Fulham Council. This £150m investment grew out of Ark’s history in the area and will shape our future. West London was the site of the first Ark school. Now 1EdCity has become a home for Ark, as well as a hub for the education sector.
Artist’s impression of the EdCity development, as viewed from Australia Road in White City

Opening up the community

Designed to be a gateway that links up different parts of the community, EdCity is a campus that creates opportunities for learning, skills development and work as well as homes for local people in an historically underserved part of London. The office block, 1EdCity, is the new location for Ark’s central team and also provides a hub for purpose-driven organisations.

Grounded in the community, the office sits alongside Ark White City Primary Academy and WEST, a state-of-the-art youth centre run by Onside. The site will also incorporate a nursery, adult learning hub and housing developed by Hammersmith & Fulham.

Artist’s impression of EdCity Walk, providing a much-needed new pedestrian route in the White City area

Connecting Education

1EdCity is the new home for the Ark central team, and our aspiration is to create a hub for the wider education sector. The building has lots of events and shared office space and we want other, mission-aligned organisations that are focused on improving the lives of children, especially through education, to join us at this hub as EdCitizens.

Whether you’re looking for office space or somewhere to run training or events (or even a podcasting studio), we want to make sure that 1EdCity is open for the education sector.