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Supporting Ark Music

Ark Music ensures every student in our network has access to quality music provision. The programme also provides free targeted support for budding musicians, and scholarships for those who demonstrate talent.
Lashayah from Ark Acton Academy performs at the Ark Music Gala in 2023

With access to high-quality music teaching, as well as extracurricular offers supported by a range of artists-in-residence, Ark Music brings a range of musical genres and activities that are often unavailable – from singing to djembe, rap to orchestral ensembles – to the students in our schools.

The real difference with Ark Music is musical excellence within a thriving and diverse community of musicians. Our GCSE Music uptake increased from 8 percent to 12 percent of students after one year on the programme.

Alice Johnstone Head of Music and Extra-Curricular Co-ordinator, Ark Acton Academy

By supporting the Ark Music Programme, you will help bring school communities together through the shared endeavour of whole school singing, ensemble playing, experimenting with the creative process and performing. You will also help us to share what we learn more widely. We are committed to sharing our practices and aim to inspire other teachers and leaders, particularly those in the state sector, to embed music into their schools.

Could you support music in Ark schools?