Today, students at Ark’s schools are receiving their A Level and BTEC grades, with hundreds securing places at top universities and on high quality apprenticeships.
Staff and students at Ark Schools have faced significant challenges over the past year, including the changed assessment system introduced to cope with the pandemic and the disruption caused throughout the academic year as a result of lockdowns and Covid restrictions.
Jerry Collins, Director of Secondary Education, said, “This is a moment to congratulate all our students on their results today following a very difficult year. They have worked very hard despite all the challenges, and they can now focus on their next steps, whether at university, on an apprenticeship or starting their career.
“With the cancellation of exams, schools have gone through a process to determine the grades students are awarded. Teachers used a range of evidence, including mock exams and summer assessments, to arrive at final grades.”
Jerry added, “I would like to thank our fantastic teaching and support staff who have helped make these results possible. Their unwavering commitment and determination to provide high quality teaching, both in school and online, has been commendable.”
In Wandsworth, Ark Putney Academy Principal Alison Downey said: “I am so proud of our Year 13 students who have worked very hard and should be congratulated on their achievements. It’s fantastic seeing so many securing high grades and progressing to their university of choice. Our students have faced so much uncertainty since the pandemic started and throughout their sixth form experience, but their commitment to their education has never wavered.
“I’d also like to give special thanks to the teaching and support staff who have been so dedicated to ensuring the school run smoothly, whether they were delivering lessons on-site or online, providing pastoral care and everything else in between.”

Ark students receive A level and BTEC results – Live
We will be updating this page throughout the day with A level and BTEC success stories from across the network: