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News27th November 2017

Ark Ventures launches as a new home for innovative education initiatives

Today marks the launch of Ark Ventures, which aims to incubate, launch and scale up initiatives that have the potential to transform the lives of children.

Many of the initiatives ideas started in Ark schools. Others have come from innovators and partners outside of Ark. But they all share the ambition to address some of the most intractable issues in education and society – and they all have the potential to deliver widespread system change.

Ark Ventures contributes strategic and operational support while the ventures are growing into sustainable organisations.

Ark Ventures is supporting the following portfolio of ventures:

Deputy CEO of Ark, Michael Clark, said, “We know first-hand the impact that a great education can have. Through our network of schools, we aim to transform the lives of thousands of children in the UK. We’re ambitious about what our schools can achieve in the future, but we also want to have a positive impact on the education system as a whole. That’s why we created Ark Ventures – to deliver change far beyond our own schools.”

You can find out more about Ark Ventures here.

Ark Ventures